ESS » Helpful Information

Helpful Information


ESS Contract Options:


ESS offers a variety of child care service options. ESS serves students in grades TK through 5th grade, before and after school.
AM-Before School Only
PM- After School Only
FULL- Both Before and After School

Please find current fees on our ESS Fee Schedule tab

ESS Hours Of Operation:


School Year: 6:30am-6:00pm

Summer/School Breaks: 7:30am-5:30pm


Pay your bill:

1. Pay with our online service, This does include a service charge every time you make a payment.
2. Mail your check in.  You can mail your check directly to our finance team at:
P.O. Box 500527
San Diego, CA 92150-0527

Late Fees:


A late pick-up fee will be assessed when a child is left beyond ESS operating hours. The late pick-up fee does not constitute an agreement for ESS to provide after-hours service, nor will the late fee be applied toward monthly fees. Chronic lateness at closing time may be grounds for termination of enrollment, per the Parent Handbook. 
A late pick up fee will be charged after closing as follows: 
1-10 minutes $1.00 per minute, per child
11-30 minutes $30 per child
31-60 minutes $60 per child
*If the parent or other authorized person fails to pick up the child and/or contact ESS, and if no one can be reached within sixty minutes after closing time, ESS and/or school personnel may release the child to the custody of Child Protective Services or other legal authorities.*

A late payment fee will be charged if payment is not received and processed by the 15th of each month.  ESS fees are due on the 1st of every month.

Signing In and Out:


Students must be signed in and out of E.S.S. daily. Only an authorized person with a picture I.D. can sign a child out of E.S.S. Your child is expected at E.S.S. each day.
*If your child will be absent from ESS, please notify us via email or phone call* 

Vacation Request/Change of Contract:


VACATION CREDITS: Parents must provide a two-week written notice in order to receive vacation credit, applicable to full and P.M. contracts only. Vacation credits are given in 5 consecutive day increments only and are limited to ten days per year. A Fee Adjustment Form (FAR) must be submitted to the site supervisor.

WITHDRAWAL FROM PROGRAM: Parents must provide a two-week written notice of withdrawal from the program. If this written notification is not provided, fees will be charged for two weeks, whether or not the child attends ESS. All account balances must be paid in full on withdrawal. Any prepaid balance of $10.00 or less which remains at the time of withdrawal from ESS will not be refunded unless requested in writing within 30 days. A Fee Adjustment Form (FAR) must be submitted to the site supervisor.

TERMINATION OF ENROLLMENT: Accounts two weeks in arrears may result in immediate termination of enrollment. Upon payment, enrollment may be reinstated with applicable paid tuition and $75.00 registration fee. Past due accounts may be referred to collections for past due balances. ESS contracts with a Collections Agency. If the account is sent to collections, parents will be responsible for the balance due plus fees associated with the collection of the account.


E.S.S. will administer medication (prescription or non-prescription) to students only if a PUSD "Authorization for Medical Administration" form has been completed by a physician and parent. All medication must be in the original container. Sunscreen, chapstick and non-medicated cough drops need only the parent's portion of the form filled in and signed.

Contact Information:


Supervisor: Coleen O'Neill

 Lead Assistant: Megan Edwards [email protected]


Site Contact Number:
(858) 484-7983